Tor project hopes replace fragile rust
Tor project hopes replace fragile rust

tor project hopes replace fragile rust

In theory, I might be open to other metrics than commit volume for people who aren’t primarily software engineers.

tor project hopes replace fragile rust tor project hopes replace fragile rust

and especially with the number of other people you have collaborated with. (OpenHub statistics will do for a first cut.) Your credibility goes up with commit volume and number of different projects. I want to see URLs to public repositories with your commits in them. We have lots of work to do and limited patience for distractions your cause may be important, but you are not, so start humble and reasonable and stay that way. It doesn’t – and, anyway, hackers are often prickly, countersuggestible people who don’t take well to what they perceive as attempts to jerk them around, so you’ll self-sabotage if you come on too strong. Don’t walk in assuming your outrage over whatever injustice is bothering you entitles you to dictate to us. I cannot enforce these standards on other elders or anyone else, but I recommend them to all.įirst: Be humble. In the remainder of this post I will explain what you need to do to present me with a prejudice-related grievance in order to get my full attention. Of these, I consider the last – people seeking social and political power that they have not earned through the merit of their work – to be the most dangerous, enough so that they cannot merely be ignored but must be actively countered and ejected from our community. On the other hand, I do know of a lot of accusations having been flung by three categories of people: the mentally disturbed, drama queens, and political carpetbaggers. So rare, in fact, that I cannot now say I know with certainty of even one. That said, in practice I believe such violations are very rare. If I am presented with evidence that anyone in the community has violated it, I will exert whatever authority I have as a tribal elder to condemn that violation and point the community in an ethically correct direction. I have always stood up for this norm, and will till I die. We are, and should remain, a place where those marginalized because of some aspect of their meatspace identities can find community and a place to do fulfilling work. It is wrong for anyone to be attacked, belittled, or excluded because of the color of their skin, the shape of their genitals, what they like to do with their genitals, their politics, their religion, or any other irrelevancy. This one is about accusations of sexism, racism, and other kinds of prejudice in the open-source culture.įirst, a statement of principle: in the hacker culture, you should be judged by your work and your work alone. That way I don’t have to generate an individual explanation, but can simply point at my general standards of evidence. Every once in a while I post something just to have it handy as a reference for the next time I have to deal with a galloping case of some particular kind of sloppy thinking.

Tor project hopes replace fragile rust